Wednesday, January 24, 2007


It's so funny how life can change in a matter of hours. Jason and I put our house on the market last week. We had two showings on Saturday. The second one was from 2-3 in the afternoon so at 2 we left the house to go for a walk. We got back the house at 2:50 and no one was there so we assumed the showing had happened already. Well, right at 3 the door opens and in walk a realtor and her clients. She says, "I know you are about to get a contract on the house, but do you mind if we walk through anyway?" To which we reply with poker straight faces ,"sure, go ahead." We stepped outside to let them walk through in privacy and start to run throughout possible explanations for the bizarre comment.
1) we actually do have a contract coming in (Which I quickly dismissed the slight possibility of. I am a glass half empty kind of girl at heart. No way did we sell our house on the first showing!)
2) this realtor is mistaken
3) our realtor just told her this to put the pressure on (I know nothing about selling houses and I don't know if this is actually something that is done.)
When they left we called our realtor and found out that we did just get a contract on our house. We are closing on the 31st of this month. Yes, a week from today! We move out a week from Saturday!
My head is spinning with all kinds of emotions and thoughts. I am very excited about our new house. We will be moving to a planned community with shops, pools, lakes and canals, and even an ice skating rink. The houses resemble that of those seen in The Truman Show which was filmed in Seaside Florida. That community was designed by the same guy that designed our new neighborhood.
On the other hand I am sad. The house we live in is our first house. Jason and my dad fixed it up when we bought it. We updated everything and it has a lot of 'us' in it.
Then of course just the stress of moving. Planning where to put our furniture in the new house. Then realizing that we have to get all of that furniture out of this house, into a truck, and then into the new house. Oh yeah, and that all of the little stuff needs to be put into boxes, put into a truck, taken out of that truck, put into the new house, and then unpacked! My back and neck muscles are getting tight just thinking about it. I need Marry Poppins to come by and snap her fingers for me. Wouldn't that be nice if I could snap my fingers and my things would pack themselves to the beat of cheesy music.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Wow Staycee, congratulations! The community you are moving to looks wonderful. What a great place to raise a family! Moving IS a pain, but you will feel so glad once you get it done. I'll be praying for you that things go smoothly and much easier than you would ever expect.